Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (L.) Savigny. 

Medium height,  30 m tall tree, much densely spreading branches. Branches and stems marked with leaf-scars and stipules. 
Short or shallow buttressed like aerial roots, thickened trunk base. 
Leaves opposite decussate, simple, cauline, exstipulate, petiolate,elliptic oblong, acute apex, or bluntly pointed, coriaceous 8 - 22 cm long and 5.0 - 7.5 cm broad, dark green 
Flowers solitary axillary, calyx deep orange red/yellow, ribbed, campanulate, large (3 - 4 cm) 
Calyx tip acute, 11 - 13 numbers 
Petals 1.2 - 1.6 cm long. tips acute. 
Fruit capsule, pendulous with persistent calyx; seed one, fruit falls on the ground along with the seedling 
Hypocotyle upto 25 cm long, blunt apically, slightly angular, blackish dark green, vertical narrow ridges, showy with distinct persistent reddish calyx. 

Economic Importance : high calorific valued fuel wood and timber. Tannin percentage is very high upto 36%